Sunday, May 19, 2019

How To Destroy Cellulite In 28 Days

Let me give you the lowdown…

MCS is a an exercise and diet program designed to reverse the appearance of cellulite in 28 days (although I recommend using for a sustained period of time for more severe cellulite).

Cellulite is caused by a weakening of the connective tissue beneath the skin surface.  This tissue helps connect and support your skin, muscle and fat cells. Unfortunately...

When this tissue becomes weakened it loses elasticity leading to the dreaded lumps and bumps. Why?

Well, in a nutshell, the connective strands are unable to extend to the skin due to the lack of elasticity and instead pull down the skin causing that “orange peel” appearance.

The solution to this pesky problem has two components...

1) Reduce excess fat in the lower body

Yep, those carrying a wee bit more lard around the hips, butt and thighs will have more noticeable cellulite than women with less body fat. So...

We need a solid nutrition plan, which of course, I've included inside. However...

What about those ladies who are relatively lean and STILL have cellulite?

Well, cellulite does not discriminate and once those connective strands go, even A-list celebrities are at risk. However, the problem is easier to fix with women that aren’t carrying around excessive fat in the hips, butt and thighs, which leads me to...

2) Cellulite Elimination Training

Unlike other anti-cellulite exercise plans, the bodyweight exercise routines found inside My Cellulite Solution have a unique, 3-pronged approach.

A). Target slow and fast twitch muscle fibers using difference exercise tempos
B). Use 3-D movements to cover all muscle groups around the hips, butt and thighs effectively.
C). Unique movement sequencing to help "switch on" the desired muscle groups.

Without boring you silly, this strategy stimulates ALL muscle fibers and encourages muscle growth in the hips, butt and thighs, therefore reducing the distance that the connective tissue has to stretch, while at the same time tightening the skin. This means that the weakened connective tissue is less likely to pull down the skin, thereby reducing the lumps and bumps. Whoop, whoop! :)

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